- Requests for access to only BRICS
- Requests for access to both BRICS and DNA samples
- Requests to contact interested participants for independent research and/or treatment studies
After approval from the eGRASC the following procedures will be followed based on the type of access requested.
Note: Data is defined as family history data, clinical data, and genotype data. Biomaterials are defined as blood and DNA from donors who have chosen to participate in the eyeGENE® Stage 1 protocol. The term “Investigator” in the following discussion refers to the individual/researcher submitting the request for access to eyeGENE® database information and/or biomaterials.
a. Requests for access to the database: The eyeGENE® Coordinating Center will work with the Investigator to provide login information and a brief tutorial of the NEI Data Commons BRICS tool.
b. Requests for access to data and biomaterials: Using the NEI BRICS tool, the Investigator will create a list of specimens (using GUID or eyeGENE® ID) that are desired to support the Research Plan and return it to the eyeGENE® Coordinating Center. Up to 5µg of DNA may be requested per sample. The de-identified biomaterial will be aliquoted and shipped from the eyeGENE® Lab (CLIA Certified) to the Investigator. The Investigator is responsible for shipping charges.
c. Requests to contact interested participants for independent research and/or treatment studies:
For Investigators who would like to contact eyeGENE® Participants) for an independent research study involving minimal risk, the eyeGENE® Coordinating Center will send an IRB approved template letter to the participant providing the title of the independent study and the contact information of the Principal Investigator. The eyeGENE® Coordinating Center will mail the letter to qualified eyeGENE® participants selected by the Investigator at the address maintained by the Coordinating Center.
Investigators who are interested in contacting participants for independent research involving above minimal risk must submit a draft of a letter intended for Participants explaining the study and providing contact information. The letter will be submitted to the NIH CNS IRB as a protocol amendment. If the IRB grants approval the Coordinating Center will mail the letter to participants as described above.
In each case, the Participant will be responsible for contacting the Investigator of the proposed research or treatment study directly to enroll in the independent study. The Principal Investigator of the independent study and his/her institution are responsible for ensuring that all uses of the data are consistent with federal, state, and local laws and regulations and any relevant institutional policies and agree to provide a list of the eyeGENE® Participants who choose to participate as described in the eyeGENE® Data Usage Agreement.