eyeGENE ® is a consortium of the federal government, individuals affected by inherited eye disease, their eye health care providers, the vision research community and CLIA-certified DNA diagnostic labs who provide clinical molecular diagnostic testing for a variety of inherited diseases affecting vision and the eye.
eyeGENE® was launched in 2006 as a multi-center clinical trial and public private partnership between CLIA-certified molecular diagnostic laboratories, clinical centers and research institutions in the U.S. and Canada.
eyeGENE®’s initial organization and structure had multiple components. It was designed to achieve its mission by broadening patient and family access to genetic diagnostic testing and by granting controlled access to clinical and genetic information in a data repository, to DNA in a biorepository, and to individuals consented to participate in research and clinical trials.
eyeGENE® was originally designed as a two-stage initiative governed by clinical protocols approved by a National Institutes of Health (NIH) Institutional Review Board (IRB).